Visual Literacy Statement
Throughout my time in Visual Literacy I have grown as a photographer, filmmaker and visual storyteller through our presentations, work with Airley-Berkshire Farms, and various practical applications of the skills that we worked to teach each other throughout the course. I went from thinking of myself as solely a nature photographer with little idea of how the process of commercial work functions, to having confidence and learning skills that I will be able to carry forward with me. Another important realm I which I have grown is my ability to create and edit short films. The "Airley At Your Table" segment allowed me to see all sides of the production process and allowed me to experience and gain first hand practice with these new skills.
Moses Brown School
Attended and graduated Moses Brown School
American University
Attending American University and majoring in Photography
Airley Farms
Worked with Airley-Berkshire farms to help provide business advice, with my photography published on their social media platfroms
Take a Look
Airley Client Presentation
Throughout my time working with Airley I got lots of experiance working to photograph in a commercial setting on an assignment. In the past my photography has been centered around shooting animals freely, with the goal of making prints and shooting the scenes of the farm allowed me to experiance what I will need to do in a professional setting regarding shooting a site for advertisement purposes. For the client presentation I spoke about Airley Photo of the Day, which is a social media series we created for Airley's platforms. This series connects local photographers to the farm and benefits both parties, as Airley gets to show off it's beauty, and artists get social media exposure.